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New Feature Round-up

  • A new statistical bar graph has been added to the user statistics page to show the average length of time it takes a user to complete their assigned tasks.

  • A new statistical bar graph has also been added to the process statistics page to show how many process instances have been started each day for the past 30 days.

  • Process designers can now hide processes from the process start menu using a toggle switch in the process template settings panel.

  • Process designers can now paste images directly into merge document templates.

  • Document retention settings have been added to allow process designers to specify how long they want to retain the file attachments that are stored within their process fields.

  • Image retention settings have also been added to the AI Powered Office Robots to allow process designers to specify how long they want to retain the robot's audit screen capture images.

  • Task resource images now display as full size images when tasks are opened.

  • A new larger text field type has been added that will display 20 lines of text.

  • The number of process field columns that can be displayed in a process table has been increased from 20 to 30 process fields.

  • Process designers can now add field tokens to process milestone instructions and process milestone task descriptions.

  • Process field calculation formulas now have a new compute option that only recomputes the field if a field token source value changes. This can improve the speed of some processes by not having to recompute fields on every load and save.


  • A new Automated Action trigger has been added that allows a process designer to trigger actions on a schedule (weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.)

  • A new AI based "sentiment" Automated Action Condition has been added that allows process designers to conditionally run Automated Actions based on the sentiment of the text specified in a process field.

  • Automated Action can now start new process instances.

  • Process designers can now run Automated Actions on process instances that are already completed or canceled.


  • Process Instance (Is Test Mode): A new field token has been added that returns if the current process instance is running in test mode or not.


=WORDSPLIT(WordIndexToReturn; TextToSplitIntoWords) The new word split function splits a string of words into a list of words and optionally returns the word in the specified index. If the specified return index is zero (0), then the entire text string is returned as a semicolon delimited list.

=DATEADD(UnitToAdd; QuantityToAdd; DateToAdjust) The new date add function allows a process design to add or subtract from a date. The UnitToAdd parameter value can be any of the following: "minute", "day", "week", "month", or "year".

=DATESERIAL(Year; Month; Day) The new date serial function allows a process designer to construct a valid date value from its constituent parts.

=YEAR(Date) The year function returns the numeric year value from a valid date.

=MONTH(Date) The month function returns the numeric month value from a valid date.

=MONTHDAY(Date) The month day function returns the numeric day of the month from a valid date.

=TABLESUM(TableColumnID; ProcessTemplateID; QueryString) The new table sum function will total all the values in a process table numeric column that match the specified query string.

=TABLEAVG(TableColumnID; ProcessTemplateID; QueryString) The new table average function will average all the values in a process table numeric column that match the specified query string.

=FILETABLEVALUE(FileID; ComparisonOperator; TextToFind; FoundIndexToUse; RowToRetrieve; ColumnToRetrieve) The new file table value function is used to retrieve text from a file after is has been analyzed by our AI based text extraction utility. The function allows a process designer to hunt for specific text in a document table and retrieve other text in the table that is relative to the found text.

=INSTANCECOUNT(ProcessTemplateID; QueryString) The new instance count function will return the total number of process instances in a process table that match the specified query string.

=INSTANCETASKCOUNT(ProcessInstanceID; ProcessTemplateTaskID) The new instance task count function will return the number of times the specified task has been created/assigned within a single process instance (normally as the result of a process loop).

=LISTINDEX(ReturnIndex; TextListToSearch) The list index function will return the value at the specified index position within a list.

=LISTASLINES(NewLineType; TextListToDisplay) The new list as lines function takes a text list and displays each value in the list on a new line. The value of NewLineType can be either "html" or "text" depending on where the text will be displayed.

=ENCLOSE(ArbitraryText) The new enclose function can be wrapped around any arbitrary text to prevent characters within the text from interfering with other formula functions.

=NUM(ArbitraryText) The new num function takes any arbitrary text and strips away all non-numeric characters and returns a valid number for use in equations and other formulas.


  • Hovering over long process field names will now display the entire field name.

  • Many speed improvements have been implemented to improve the speed with which processes move from task to task.